

Iochpe-Maxion is a global company, the world leader in the production of automotive wheels and a leading producer of automotive structural components in the Americas.

We have 33 manufacturing plants located in 14 countries and approximately 17,000 employees, which enables us to serve our customers around the world according to their delivery terms, quality standards and competitiveness requirements.

Our Company holds a high level of technical knowledge, and permanently seeks to provide innovative solutions in the areas in which it operates, using global macro-trends that guide the development of new products and technologies, whether independently or in cooperation with strategic partners.

We operate our core business through two divisions: Maxion Wheels and Maxion Structural Components.

At Maxion Wheels, we produce and sell a wide range of steel wheels for light and commercial vehicles and agricultural machinery and aluminum wheels for light vehicles.

At Maxion Structural Components, we produce side rails, cross members and full frames for commercial vehicles and structural components for light vehicles.

In addition, through AmstedMaxion (joint venture), we produce railway wheels and castings, industrial castings and freight cars.



  1. 1918

    Origin of the Company Lumbering Activities

  2. 1940

    Diversification of Activities (financial and industrial sectors)

  3. 1980

    Listed on BM&FBOVESPA

  4. 1990

    Focus on auto parts and railways equipment

  5. 2008

    • Geographic diversification (China plant)
    • Single class of Shares ( Novo Mercado)
  6. 2011

    Acquisition of Montich ( 50%)-  Argentina

  7. 2012

    • Acquisitions of Hayes Lemmerz (Wheels) – Global
    • Acquisition of  Grupo Galaz (side rails for commercial vehicles) – Mexico
  8. 2016

    Opening of the aluminium wheel plant in Limera

  9. 2018

    Iochpe-Maxion celebrates 100 years

  10. 2019

    Construction of aluminium wheel plant in India

  11. 2021

    Partnership with DongFeng in China ( Construction of aluminium wheels plant)