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Global leader in wheel production and leader in structural components in Americas

33 plants in 14 countries with more than 17 thousands employees of 49 nationalities

Focus on innovation and development in the automotive industry

1Q24 Graphs
and Numbers

CV: Commercial Vehicles | LV: Light Vehicles

1Q24 Operational


Net revenue R$ 3.6 billion in 1Q24

Gross margin of 10.7 in 1Q24 with a gross profit of R$384.1 million

10.4% increase on EBITDA in 1Q24 with a margin of 8.8%

Leverage³ of 2.95x in 1Q24

Reduction of R$301.9 million (7.4%) in net debt in 1Q24¹

Liquidity ratio of 2.02x in 1Q24

¹Compared to the same period of the previous year

²Net debt/EBITDA of the last 12 moth



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